Department of Animal Science MSc Program
The University of Gondar general regulations regarding admission of students to Master’s Degree programs shall apply.
Notwithstanding the above, students wishing to enroll for this program must be in possession of a undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Sciences, Doctor of veterinary medicine ,Biology, Bachelor of veterinary sciences, veterinary pharmacy, Animal and rangeland sciences from a recognized and accredited institution of higher learning.
Students having organization sponsored will be given priority in admission.
Prior to registration, applicants must take and pass the entrance qualification examination.
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANPR 511 | Advanced Animal Nutrition | 3 (2+1) |
ANPR 512 | Farm Animal Physiology | 3 (3+0) |
ANPR 513 | Advanced Poultry Production | 3 (2+1) |
ANPR 514 | Advanced Forage Production and Range Management | 3 (2+1) |
ANPR 515 | Biometrics in Animal Sciences | 3 (3+0) |
ANPR 516 | Nutrition sensitive livestock production (E) | 2 (2+0) |
ANPR 517 | Apiculture (E) | 2 (1+1) |
Total | 17 |
(E) Elective course: Nutrition sensitive livestock production and Apiculture will be taken electively based on the interest of candidate.
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANPR 521 | Advanced Meat Production | 3 (2+1) |
ANPR 522 | Advanced Dairy Production | 3 (2+1) |
ANPR 523 | Advanced Animal Product Processing | 3 (2+1) |
ANPR 524 | Seminar on current topics in Animal Production | 1 (0+1) |
ANPR 525 | Advanced Animal Breeding | 3 (2+1) |
Total | 13 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANPR 531 | MSc. Thesis Research | 6 |
Course Code | Course Title | C. Hr. |
ANNT 511 | Advances in Farm Animal Physiology | 3 |
ANNT 512 | Biochemistry& Molecular Nutrition | 3 |
ANNT 513 | Forage Production & Management | 3 |
ANNT 514 | Feed Processing and Quality Control | 2 |
ANNT 515 | Biotechnology in Animal Nutrition | 2 |
ANNT 516 | Climate smart livestock production | 2 |
Total C. Hr. | 15 |
Course Code | Course Title | C. Hr. |
ANNT 521 | Analytical Techniques in Animal Nutrition | 2 |
ANNT 522 | Ruminant Nutrition | 3 |
ANNT 523 | Monogastric Nutrition | 3 |
ANNT 524 | Biometry in animal sciences | 3 |
ANNT 525 | Current Topic in Animal Nutrition | 1 |
ANNT 526 | Research Methods and Scientific Writing | 1 |
ANPR 522 | Advances in Dairy production (E) | 2 |
ANPR 513 | Advances in Poultry Production (E) | 2 |
Total C. Hr. | 15 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANNT 611 | Graduate Seminar | P/F |
ANNT 612 | MSc. Thesis | 6 |
Total C.Hr. | 6 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANGB 511 | Molecular Genetics | 3 (2+1) |
ANGB 512 | Biotechnology in Animal Breeding | 2 (1+1) |
ANGB 513 | Advances in Animal Breeding | 3 (2+1) |
ANGB 514 | Reproductive Physiology | 2 (2+0) |
ANGB 515 | Advances in Biometry | 3 (2+1) |
ANGB 516 | Research methods and Scientific Writing | 1(1+0) |
| 14 |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANGB 521 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | 2 (1+1) |
ANGB 522 | Population Genetics | 2 (2+0) |
ANGB 523 | Quantitative Genetics | 3 (2+1) |
ANGB 524 | Introduction to Breeding Software’s Application | 2 (1+1) |
ANGB 525 | Animal Genetic Resources Management and Conservation | 2 (2+0) |
ANGB 526 | Seminar on current topics in Animal Genetics and Breeding | 1 (0+1)
ANPR 513 | Advances in Poultry Production (E) | 2 (1+1) |
ANPR 522 | Advances in Dairy Production (E) | 2 (1+1) |
Total | 14 |
(E) Elective course: Advances in Poultry Production and Advances in Dairy Production will be taken electively based on the interest of candidate.
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
ANGB 531 | Graduate Seminar | P/F |
ANGB 532 | MSc. Thesis Research | 6 |