SPANA-UK-Mobile Project

The objective of the project was to improve the welfare and health of equines in five districts including Debark, Dabata, Wegera, Gondar Town and Gondar Zuria district. The project was started since 2019.

Curriculum Twinning-OSU-OIE-UoG

The objective of the project was to incorporate OIE day 1 competences in the DVM curriculum and implement as a pilot program to establish veterinary education in Ethiopia. The project was started since 2015.

DVM Curriculum Need Assessment Survey –Gates Project-OSU-UoG

The objective of the project was to identify challenge and implementation gaps for OIE day 1 competencies across Ethiopian veterinary colleges for possible solutions. The project was started since2021.

Dairy Development Project

The objective was improving the productivity of milk production through breed improvement , feed and health improvement integrated approach in selected districts (East and West Dembia). The project was started since 2019.

CDC-Rabies Project

The objective of the project was to undertook pilot rabies control program in Gondar and its surrounding districts and upgrade the capacities of experts in the control program as well as creating awareness for various groups of the community in the project area. The project was started since 2015.